Environmental Protection

Sustainability projects in TC Dębica stem from the strategy of sustainable growth adopted by the company. Completion of these projects is necessary to meet legal requirements, but primarily it leads to reducing the negative footprint on the natural environment. 15 mln USD has been allocated for erecting a supermodern gas heating plant, whose productivity not only meets the company needs but also, since 2004, enabled to provide sustainable heat for 1/3 of 50.000 Dębica inhabitants. Due to this investment many outdated, small heating plants could be shut down. This investment project led to reducing the emmision of gas (by 98%) and ash (by 100%), as well as led to a 40% cut down on waste. The company operates also own sewage treatment plant. The quality of water directed back to the river exceeds the quality of water taken for production purposes. Technology enhancements allowed to reduce hydrocarbon emission by 49%, lowering energy consumption per 1 kg pf product by 19% and water consumption by 55%. Due to these projects hazardous subtance emission from production processes has become significantly lower than standard provisions. The best evidence is brought by the international ISO 14001 Certificate, granted to the company in September 1999, which safeguards the environment management system in TC Dębica. The certificate has been issued by the international agency BureauVeritas Quality International. TC Dębica has been the first tire producer in Poland to have earned such certificate.

Polityka prywatności

Firma Oponiarska Dębica S.A., ul. 1 Maja 1, 39-200 Dębica, POLSKA