TC Dębica SA has been active part of the local communicty for many years. We have supported many social and educational activities both in the town as well as in the region. Each year, on the basis of the so called Donation Budget, we have been granting  resources for a variety of initiatives, including help to the disabled and other people in need. A special focus has been put on financial support for the initiatives boosting the development of children and the young. We are the main partner of the "Safe Way to School" framework, that helps to equip primary school first-graders with a special kit: backpacks with personal reflectors for enhancing the visibility of children in the dim light and a colouring book promoting safe traffic rules. In 2015, in cooperation with Center of Civic Education TC Dębica prepared a set for primary education tearchers, titled the "Goodyear Traffic ABC". It provides lesson scenarios, games, and colouring pictures related to traffic safety. Those materials have been developed with the aim to help teachers to enrich classes for the primary school pupils with the traffic knowledge, and are in line with the official guidelines for schools. They can also be treated as a source of inspiration for teachers, who can come up with their own ideas for classes on traffic safety. TC Dębica also ensured that all students from secondary schools in Dębica have been first-aid experts, by providing a proffessional anatominal models of both and adult and an infant, for CPR trainings. The "adult" model is equipped with electronic sensors and LED indicators, so that students can monitor their CPR actions.TC Dębica S.A. eagerly involves in education project. Since the very beginnings in Dębica, we have  supported the Children Polytechnic, where children aged 6 to 12 can take part in lectures, laboratories and have a chance to discover the mysteries of science.  The Childrren Polytechnic has been organized by  the Foundation for Education Support operating with the “Aviation Valley” Association.

TC Dębica joined the “Good Childhood” action together with the Town Social Care Center and “Friend” Foundation, which aimed to ensure summer classes from local community day care centers. In December 2015 TC Dębica employees along with Goodyear Dunlop Tires Polska teamacted as Santa Clause assistants and prepared Xmas presents for the children from one of the community day care centers.

Since  2012, in June, at the opening of summer hilidays, TC Dębica, has been organizing GOODFEST festival, which gathers more and more publicity each year. The festiwal has become more recognized among alternative music afficionados as well as among the largest music festiwal goers in Poland. GOODFEST has earned a good, stron brand, which always means the highest-level Polish music, For many Podkapracie ingabitants, GOODFEST became a fixed element of their summer vacation schedule and a guarantee of good time and fun for the whole family. It is the successor of a previously organized Dębica for Dębica feast, which entertained local community for 15 times.

Polityka prywatności

Firma Oponiarska Dębica S.A., ul. 1 Maja 1, 39-200 Dębica, POLSKA